Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cosmetic Fair

So today I decided to go and check out the cosmetic fair . Here is a link to their flicker page, they show all the designers and products that are for sale. I took a couple of pictures that are also up on my flicker page. I took pictures of the main entrance and of the displays I like the most. I think the most important part of selling something is how you display it, the better it looks the more it draws people in.
The above pictures is of the entrance, I love the pink writing on a black surface it really makes it pop and looks amazing.
I love how adored bodyshop set up their display. Its classic yet simple but very effective in drawing attention.
 This is one of my favorite displays that Song did. I love the glitter/stardust on the floor, and I love the cloud doors. Very well done.
 I love the candles on this display, they are very pretty.
I love the pink table in the display, pink makes the world go round lol.

I actually only purchased a couple of items this year and they were both nail appliers, I purchased one set of appliers from Wicked and one from Adored Bodyshop. I also purchased a pair of prisma Aqua Eyes from Song. I can not wait to try everything out. The cosmetics fair last from the 15th of Jul until the 30th be sure to check it. 

Until Next Time

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Playing around with colors

I am newer to editing photos with paintshop, I love the way everything is set up and some of the tools it offers for easy adjustments.
For this one I decided to play with black and white as I love the look of old black and white photos. I think that it turned out pretty well and the cropping and shrinking of the image was pretty easy today. I took this picture at a sim that was an alice and wonderland/carnival theme. It was cute but the lag was a monster.

This picture was just cute because of my little side kick and the water in the background is not bad either.

In my next post I will be working my new slink mesh body. YAY!!! I am so excited about it.

I hope this finds you well.... Until next time.....


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Fest

Now that I am back and at it from a hiatus I decided that one of the first things I wanted to do was blog an event.The event that I chose was Summerfest, I was actually pretty impressed with what I saw. They had a good selection of a lot of my favorite brands, which makes me very happy.
For this first look I decided to go a little Ariel but with pink highlights.

 Hair is Exile West Coast Wildcards
Bathing suit is Baiastice_Freedom Bikini in Pink (I love the detailing on it)
I am wearing Red Lipstick from Pink Fuel and Tuli Lashes Tattoos
My Hair here is Exile After the rain in ice blondes
My bathing suit is the V.e. Carmen Ruffled Bikini Night
My shoes are fri. Kokomo Sandals in Sunny

All of these pictures were taken on my land in my grotto from Tiki Tattoo, which I am in love with. I am wearing my normal shape and skin both are from pink fuel.

Until Next Time
