I have been having horrid net issues today so I may or may not be able to post credits to this post quite yet as I can't get into second life... luckily I already had my photos done for this post. Strawberry Singhs meme for this week is all about Halloween. Halloween Meme PS I sort of stole Strawberries costume and location for these shots (don't be mad) I have a plethora of Costumes in my inv and hadn't decided what I wanted to do until I saw Strawberries post... Now its not a copy but my photos are greatly inspired by what she posted and I normally don't do that but I really really liked the Redgrave Zombie Bride costume she posted about and I had already been to the Sim that Strawberry posted on thanks to the Explore SL group in Flickr. So thank you Strawberry and please remember imitation is the greatest form of flattery ( so they say) and please forgive me for sort of copying you.
Did you go trick or treating as a child? Yes I did I am the oldest of 5 siblings so it was always a huge family affair when we did trick or treating. I think I was in 7th grade the last time I trick or treated.
What was the best Halloween costume you ever saw or wore yourself? Hmmm... that's a toughie ... My mom was very into home-made Halloween Costumes and we were ALWAYS entered into the costume contests at the local fire station. I think my favorite costume was when my mom made one of my little sisters into Twinkle Twinkle little star and the favorite one for me to wear was Strawberry Shortcake and She-ra.. I remember running around in that costume until it fell apart.
What is your most vivid memory about Halloween? Back in the day 80's and early 90's EVERYONE did Halloween.. you could go to neighborhood after neighborhood with just a few houses here and there that didn't give out candy we ALWAYS came home with one of those HUGE black garbage bags filled with candy from 5 kids... We would go trick or treating in a neighborhood and when our bags were full we dumped them into that bag and on to the next neighborhood... I have three kids and let me tell you how disappointing Halloween is now... It just seems like no one gets into it anymore and everyone turns there lights off so there isn't a lot of places to go. Thank goodness for the Church Trunk or Treats and the Carnivals.
What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? Ok first you must all know I am a HUGE ninny. Scary movies of ANY kind give me nightmares and I don't watch most of them but... as a kid I remember that Freddy Kruegar movies were the scariest things EVER.. I had a neighbor boy that thought it was HIGHLARIOUS to sing one two Freddys coming for you... omg even typing it gives me the heebie jeebies.
Do you ever get nightmares after watching a scary movie? YES.. I even cried and freaked out during the Blair Witch Project when it first came out I thought it was real... so that right there tells you what a major wimp I am lol.
Are you superstitious? If so, name at least one superstition of yours. Yes and no... I do knock on wood and if I spill salt I toss it over my shoulder.. I guess it depends on the situation and what not.
What will you be doing for Halloween this year, if anything, in SL and RL? I took my 3 kiddos Trick or Treating in RL and I actually just got home not long ago so I have only been in sl once earlier this morning before my net decided it didn't want me in SL today... SO... I am not doing anything in SL for Halloween...I have however spent most of the last two weeks on spooky sims and doing some hunts and the occasional party for Halloween.
Credits to follow when I can get back into SL :) Happy Halloween Everyone!!!
Updated with Credits:
~Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Casual - Medium
~Makeup: MIASNOW Makeup - BLOODY CLOWN 1 no cheeks no nose NEW, [PF] Glossy Pout Lipstick <Deep> - Red
~Jewelry: Lazuri Fall Romance Set Necklace, Earrings, Bracelets NEW group gift, JCNY - 'Lotus, Mood Ring with Hyper-Gems, !TLB - Creepy Cabochon Ring/Crow RARE, !TLB - Creepy Cabochon Ring/Teeth, [CIRCA] - "Fright Night" Macabre Ring - Face of Eve (Angry) NEW Horrorfest Gatchas
~Eyes: IKON Perspective Eyes - Poltergeist (XS)
~Hair: .ploom. Stephie - Indecisive
~Skin: -Glam Affair - Vera - Horror edition 09 C NEW Horrorfest
~Lashes: Eyelashes -38- Classy *REDGRAVE*
~Costume: [*RG*] Zombie Bride *REDGRAVE* NEW on sale on MP until Oct 31st
Please never ever apologize for being inspired by one of my posts. I see that as one of the biggest compliments. Thank you for making my day and also for participating. Hope you had a fab halloween! <3