Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Into the Mystic- A review

I was wondering about sl one day looking for a place for my horses, when I came across a beautiful sim called into the mystic. When I landed, there was a group of people just sitting around, some of them employees, not one even bothered to greet me or see if I needed help with anything. I decided to overlook that and see what they had to offer. Most of the sim had empty booths available for rent, so I thought score I found a pretty place. I set out my horses and my food and went on about my day happy with what I had found and the price. 

The next day I received a rude message from a manager or an owner, I am really not sure which. He said that I needed to come immediately and retrieve my horses, or he would return them. That his sim was not for horses but only for Mystics( not sure what they are). I told him I would be there shortly to retrieve my horses and would not renew, to which he replied good if you don't have mystics you don't belong here anyways.  He never even bothered to offer to refund my money, so I paid for a week of that I was not even allowed to use.  I did not see any signs stating that this was a Sim for Mystics only nor was I told that until I was rudely kicked out. 

I have owned a business before so I am aware of how to handle customers. This is not the way to go about doing it. If you are looking for a breedable land rental please go elsewhere.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Found my way home

So I have been on hiatus from SL for quite some time. There have been many RL changes in my life that I needed to adjust to for myself and my family. Things are now settled back down and somewhat back to normal, because let's be honest... I and my family are pretty much anything but "normal". Here I am back and ready to get into the swing of things again. I have seriously missed blogging and SL in general. My time to be on SL is no where near what it used to be but I think I will be able to pump out 4-5 posts a week. YAY!

So after being away for so long I feel almost new again lol. Here's my first post back to SL and I hope you all enjoy xoxox

~Giraffe - +Half-Deer+ Tiny Teacup Giraffe- Seafoam
~Skin -Glam affair -Kaelyn -Jamaica-Nose 02  ; Kaelyn skin - Jamaica 05 C
~Makeup - Glam affair - Cosmetic Fair 2 - Elit eyes makeup - 1 ; Pink Acid Pour it up-Anna Lips & Teeth-Natural Pink
~Lashes - Redgrave-Eyelashes-38-classy
~Jewelry-Necklace-.:EMO-tions:. *sensual* Necklace, ~Rings- [bubble] Star Blue Ring, JCNY-Lotus Mood Ring,  Pr!ck- KawiRinG-PonY Vi, Bracelets- Izzie's Belt Bracelet, Noodles- Heart Bangle Gold 50L Friday
~Hair- ~Tableau Vivant~ Choko Hair Group Gift
~Piercings- Cute Poison- Ova Piercings
~Ears- Trap- Short Gelf Ears Pierced
~Slink Physique Mesh Body, Hands Casual, Feet High
~Eyes- IKON Destiny Eyes-Green
~Outfit- Corset AsHmOoT_Dolls Coll_Dolly Corset_Blue; Pants- AsHmOoT_AW Coll_Chantal_Pants_Shtedded Jeans Drk Blue New @ Color Me Project
~Shoes-Mag <3.B. gift Blue Pumps New @ Color Me Project

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Job search is on

Due to RL reasons I can no longer import money into second life, so I am on the hunt for a job.  When I initially opened the employment section of the classifieds, I was overwhelmed by the amount of escort businesses that are hiring. I knew that it was something that was popular, but I did not realize how popular it really is. That being said that is not something that I am looking to do.

So onward with the search. I thought it would be fun to be a doctor so I started looking for doctor positions. That was a lot of dead links or they wanted experience and references, something that I do not have.

I will keep my eye out for a job but until then it looks like I am going to have to learn how to build or make clothes.

Any job suggestions?


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Early Morning Day Dreaming

 Have you ever just wanted a little time away from all the drama? Just to lay down and think, with no distractions.

Today that was me. I went about getting ready for my, ate breakfast, got dressed, and girled up. I still couldn't decide what I wanted to do with my day. So I went out to the barn and found same hay bales, and layed down. The barn was animal free at the time and very peaceful. So I just layed there and thought peaceful happy thoughts and figured out what I wanted to do for the day. Sometimes a little peace is all you need.

What I am wearing
Skin: Pink Fuel Alyx
Hair: Exile Heart Don't Break Even in Wild Fusion (love this pack)
Fishy Strawberry Embrace me Dress and Cardigan from the Collabor 88 event
Shoes are Fri Laurel Heels

Until Next Time


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Uber Monthly Event (February 2015)

So I decided to check out Uber after seeing hair from TRUTH that I really liked in their weekly notecard. 
 Here is the truth hair display stand. I of course purchased one in light blondes
 Here is the entrance and the sky at the Uber event. I really thought that it was beautiful.

These are the displays that really caught my attention. However all that I purchased were the Glass stones in Pink and the truth hair.

Honestly over all I was not really impressed by this event, mostly because they products and designs were just not for me.

Until Next time,