Friday, March 13, 2015

Found my way home

So I have been on hiatus from SL for quite some time. There have been many RL changes in my life that I needed to adjust to for myself and my family. Things are now settled back down and somewhat back to normal, because let's be honest... I and my family are pretty much anything but "normal". Here I am back and ready to get into the swing of things again. I have seriously missed blogging and SL in general. My time to be on SL is no where near what it used to be but I think I will be able to pump out 4-5 posts a week. YAY!

So after being away for so long I feel almost new again lol. Here's my first post back to SL and I hope you all enjoy xoxox

~Giraffe - +Half-Deer+ Tiny Teacup Giraffe- Seafoam
~Skin -Glam affair -Kaelyn -Jamaica-Nose 02  ; Kaelyn skin - Jamaica 05 C
~Makeup - Glam affair - Cosmetic Fair 2 - Elit eyes makeup - 1 ; Pink Acid Pour it up-Anna Lips & Teeth-Natural Pink
~Lashes - Redgrave-Eyelashes-38-classy
~Jewelry-Necklace-.:EMO-tions:. *sensual* Necklace, ~Rings- [bubble] Star Blue Ring, JCNY-Lotus Mood Ring,  Pr!ck- KawiRinG-PonY Vi, Bracelets- Izzie's Belt Bracelet, Noodles- Heart Bangle Gold 50L Friday
~Hair- ~Tableau Vivant~ Choko Hair Group Gift
~Piercings- Cute Poison- Ova Piercings
~Ears- Trap- Short Gelf Ears Pierced
~Slink Physique Mesh Body, Hands Casual, Feet High
~Eyes- IKON Destiny Eyes-Green
~Outfit- Corset AsHmOoT_Dolls Coll_Dolly Corset_Blue; Pants- AsHmOoT_AW Coll_Chantal_Pants_Shtedded Jeans Drk Blue New @ Color Me Project
~Shoes-Mag <3.B. gift Blue Pumps New @ Color Me Project

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